Wednesday, March 5, 2014

The "lovey dovey twitter pages"

This is probably not the first thing you'd expect to see talked a bout on a nerdy page, but I feel like this is just gonna bug me until I discuss it.

     There are some pages on twitter that have to do with love and post pictures of texts from boys like
"omg bbygrl I luv u sew much u r my everything 4evah and evah  ( heart, heart, heart, monkey face, heart, heart, monkey face with heart, dog, chicken, heart, heart, a car, heart, heart, kissy face, kissy face, "eyes closed" kissy face) and I understand, girls want this, but that's not all you need. If the love is really there, yes, by all means, send as many corny "The Notebook" pictures as you want, but make sure that you're grounded in your relationship and not to just the "feeling" of getting that text, or that gift, but the feeling of being with someone who is great beneath the surface. Anyone can give a gift, but not everyone can give their heart.
The reason these pages bug me, is because the only thing they touch on involving relationships is the extravagant things men do for them, but that's not what real love is, real love is caring for another person to the point that you literally become one flesh and one unit.

Proverbs 4:23

Keep your heart with all vigilance, for from it flow the springs of life.

     Yeah the gifts and texts are nice, but if those don't happen, don't feel down on yourself, cause if they show you devotion in their actions and thoughts, then that's what's really important.

     Well that was fun, I bet you didn't expect love advice on this blog, but hey, it's a little bit of everything on this blog.

Next time I'll talk about spiderman or something

Have a lovely day

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