Monday, March 3, 2014

An introduction

The world, it's an interesting place. I should know, being a nerd has it's fair share of enjoyment, the comics, the costumes, the Star Wars Holiday Special, but It's a good time none the less. Being a Christian and a nerd adds a great bit of flavor to the mix also. With this combination, I have gotten in quite a bit of debates and such. I figured my opinions needed a place to flourish, and since twitter doesn't even have the room to let me voice my opinions of Iron Man 3 (cough cough WASTED POTENTIAL) I figured a blog was a great decision to make. This blog should be an experience for the both of us, I'll touch on aspects of the Christian life, my own experiences, and how I feel about everyday issues. Hopefully we both can learn something through this whole experience, and if not, at least I can have something to do while I'm drawing dumb pictures. Tomorrow will be the first official post so be looking out for it.

Until then, chill (but not too hard)

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